Friday, 29 March 2013

Crafting God's love

I can't believe I have not posted for over a month.  Life is as busy as ever in our household and it is amazing how easy you can fall into new habits.  With all the snow and cold weather we had in January and February, Sunday evenings became a time for curling up with a movie.

With the arrival of spring, (even if it is only marked by an entry on the calendar and more snow forecast!) I thought it was a good time to get back in the habit of updating the blog.

We have led a craft morning at church in half term, with the theme being God's love.

The boys and I set up four craft areas for the children and their parents to work round.

Shaker style heart hanger

Stuffed hearts

Heart picture frames

Homemade crayons (some heart shaped)

I have also led my first Messy Church service.  The reading was from John 14 and we set up a prayer labyrinth to explore the passage.

We made Holy Spirit doves to remind us God is with us every day

And we had a prayer area where we drew round our hands and wrote prayers on the cut out shape, before sticking them together to form a flame shape.

Decorating the house is coming on again now we have Christmas and birthdays celebrated and packed away.

We have nearly removed all of the wall paper from the hall.

We are preparing the walls of the lounge for the new wallpaper to go opposite the feature wall of the chimney breast.

May this Easter bring you blessings for a renewed faith in Christ who died for our sins.

With love from my family to yours,

Jo x