Sunday, 28 September 2014

Holiday Club 2014 - Jungle Jamboree

This year's Holiday Club for the Highworth Inter Churches Committee was Jungle Jamboree.

We looked at four of the parables Jesus told to help us understand how we can survive the jungle of life.

Jungle Jamboree 2014 - Highworth
Our craft sessions helped us to remember each of the stories.

Jungle in a jar - Cake, coconut and icing - Jungle Jamboree Day 1
Jungle Tea light holders - Jungle Jamboree day 1
Jungle Jars as party food for the Parable of the great feast or tea light holders for the younger members.

Good Samaritan pictures, with a person on a stick that you can move using a magnet.

Good Samaritan Pictures - Jungle Jamboree Day 2

Prodigal Son T-Shirts, reminding us that when the son returned home his father sent for new clothes.

Prodigal Son T-shirts - Jungle Jamboree Day 3
Lost Sheep, we made woolly sheep or quilled sheep pictures, reminding us that God sent Jesus to look for us and save us.

Quilled Sheep - Parable of Lost Sheep - Jungle Jamboree day 4
We made jungle crafts each morning as the groups gathered, making animal masks, bookmarks and animal finger puppets.

As we looked at each of the Bible stories we had our Puppet friends to help us understand the theme of the day.

Tim T Timtim helps us understand the Bible story
The snack shack is open! - Jungle Jamboree
When we stopped for refreshments each day, Josh opened the Snack Shack so we could get to know the leaders a bit better and give them the opportunity to win immunity from the gunging at the end of the week.

Jungle Jamboree Snack Shack - Gunging Immunity
The blue team won this year, our youngest team members and Sarah was nominated by the children to receive the gunging.

Jungle Jamboree - Gunging Begins

We pray that as the children return to school they will share with their friends what they learnt over the summer and their teachers and parents see a difference in them as Christ works in their lives.  We also pray that they will have a personal relationship with Jesus and will attend other events the churches put on this year to deepen their faith.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x

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