Sunday, 9 June 2013

Spring is sprung

Well  I didn't mean to leave it so long between blogs.

Word of the month for June

Spring has finally sprung and summer is on its way.  Garden preparations have begun and in door jobs have been put on hold.  We have even managed to eat outdoors a couple of times.

Potatoes beginning to grow

A sheltered sunny corner

Josh is into his final week of exams next week and then secondary school is finished.  I can't believe where those years have gone since I took him to school for the first time 12 years ago.  In between his revision session, Josh has taken up bread making and this week I bought him Paul Hollywood's "Bread" book.  We have been enjoying a white bloomer, which is very nice and goes well with dips on these warm evenings.

A white bloomer by Josh

I have found a new approach to spring cleaning.  I have developed a card file from organized home where you list all the jobs that need doing to run the house and then divide them up over the month/year accordingly.  It means no matter how busy I am I know what jobs need doing and can keep track of them.  It also means the boys can help by looking at the cards for the day and choosing what they want to help with.

SHE cards - sidetracked home executive -
Mission Control for the Vizor household

Craft has been enhanced with a new gadget and we have been preparing a welcome bunting for this year's summer holiday club.  More details about holiday club in a later blog.

Cricut Robotz for Holiday club bunting

The Bible verse selected for today is :
Go in through the narrow gate.
The gate to destruction is wide, and the road that leads there is easy to follow.
A lot of people go through that gate.
But the gate to life is very narrow.
The road that leads there is so hard to follow that only a few people find it.
Matthew 7:13-14

This reminds us that as follows of Jesus Christ, we are not promised an easy ride, that it is hard to follow in his footsteps but the journey's end leads to our Fathers house, where he has prepared a place for us in eternity.

Our prayers as a family are with all those taking exams at the moment and for their families supporting them through this stressful time.  May they know God's peace in their revision and strength in their exams.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x