Tuesday, 15 April 2014

40 Games of Lent - part 1

When thinking what to give up for Lent I more recently thought about that having a positive impact.  With that in mind, and having been inspired by handsfreemama to try and being really present when the boys get home from school and college and want to engage with me (they soon wander off to study or game or attend an activity) I have decided to give up time to play games with them.

Our pile of games
I am all too aware that soon they won't be at home or have time to spend with me, so while I can still get them to sit down and play a board games or its like I am going to make the most of it.  The agreement is no electronic gadgets during the game (except my phone as a camera!).

We have a pile of games we have played a few times and then put away, so I am also using the time to declutter the games pile.  Anything we play that we find we have grown out of, or has missing pieces or we no longer enjoy will go at the end of the process.

My aim is to play 40 different games through out Lent, not sure we have that many but there is always the card games book I bought to work through.

So here is the first week's update (there is no sponsorship of the games, but I have made sure where possible to include the packaging in the photo incase you want to try the game out).

Bananagrams in progress

Our latest game - Perudo
One of many variations - Monopoly Millionaire
So we are a little behind but I am sure we can make up for that at weekends or the Easter Holidays!.

What have you given up for Lent?  How do you make time for the children without distractions?

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x