Saturday, 31 January 2015

Reflections on life

I started the year with good intentions of blogging weekly, but it hasn't really gone to plan. So this first blog of the year is just a short one with just one theme.

My Brother-in-law passed away suddenly and unexpectedly and so we have been spending time as a family, grieving and reminiscing of times spent with him.  Following his funeral this week, we turn to life without him and so blogging about the mundane aspects of life seemed so wrong.

We have selected a Bible verse as a family this year, that will be our prayer in this year of transformation.  Both the boys have end of key stage exams this year and so will transform in their education.  Our eldest legally became a man at the end of 2014 and so we transform into a family of three adults.  Our youngest will start sixth form college in the summer, following a trip to Japan, and so will transform into an independent student rather than a pupil at school.

I have crafted the verse into a piece of wall art, which I will hang upstairs by our bedrooms, so that it will be a remind as we begin and end each day that we are transformed through God's Holy Spirit into His image.

The Bible verse is 2 Corinthians 3:18 :
And we all, 
who with unveiled faces 
contemplate the Lord’s glory, 
are being transformed 
into his image 
with ever-increasing glory, 
which comes from the Lord, 
who is the Spirit

Our prayer this week is for all those who feel lonely, isolated and unable to reach out.  We pray that they will know that there are people they can reach out to, that love them and want to help.  Above all we pray that in their despair they will reach out and know that God is with them, that he will bless them with strength and courage to share their feelings.  We pray to for those who have lost loved ones, that they too will know God's peace and be able to speak out to prevent others suffering.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x