Sunday, 10 May 2015

Rhythms of life

Sometimes in life you have a rhythm and life just flows along.  Then at other times things throw that rhythm out.
Cheney Craft - word of the month Spring
We have had illness in the family which has really thrown us out of our daily rhythm.  Each of us has had a flu-like cold in turn and then caught it a second time round.

On top of that we have had school holidays and now we are moving into exam season.  The normal rhythm of the Vizor household is completely out and in a time of flux.

Swindon Tennis Club Practice
So this post is really a catch up of what have managed to get up to recently.

Both boys are playing for the Swindon Tennis Club this season and they played together in the first match for the Men's C team.
Swindon Tennis Club Practice

The vegetable patch is starting to put up shoots and we have had our first crop of rhubarb already this year.

We took the boys and their revision down to Spring Harvest in Minehead, so we could combine some spiritual refreshment with mental refreshment in the sea air.  We were led in worship by Graham Kendrick each evening and came away revitalised for another year of inspiring God's people.

Fun in the sun at Spring Harvest 2015
I've completed the Bowl full of lemons Home 14 week organisation challenge and the house has really benefited from a top to bottom clean and organisation.

Being the organised sort that I am, I have also managed to make some of my Christmas cards already.  The plan is make 6 per month and I am nearly keeping up with that.

Getting ahead for Christmas 
Jacob has continued with his fundraising for his trip to the world scout jamboree in Japan this summer.  This week he and Josh had the opportunity to be part of democracy and raise funds, by acting as runners at the count for the General Election. They were trained by a team from Sunderland, who hold the record for the fastest announcement of results and the training paid off as Swindon were fourth to announce their first count, behind the three results from Sunderland.  Well done boys!!

Our prayer as a family this week is for all those who work with the poor and the marginalised, that they will be inspired by God in all they do and God's kingdom will come through their work.

This week's Bible verse is
From infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, 
which are able to make you wise for salvation 
through faith in Christ Jesus.
—2 Timothy 3:15

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x