Friday, 31 March 2017

Hit me with your rhythm stick

The new year is well under way and I still haven't found a rhythm for family life yet!

We've been busy reading details about Oxford university following Jacob's offer to study there this summer.  We've also been making sure there is plenty of time and lack of distractions for Jacob to study so he can get the grades he needs to meet the offer.

However, we also know the importance of down time!  Jacob is continuing with his tennis training and match commitments to the tennis club.  This half term Jacob and I left Andy at home with a list of jobs and we headed off the Norway to stay with friends.

We had a great time learning to cross country ski (Jacob more successfully than me but I wasn't heavy enough for my skis!!)

Josh has been representing Derby in the inter-university Archery league and has turned a personal best each time he has competed.

So this week I am hoping to get back in to some sort of rhythm - and that starts by writing my blog! Hope you haven't missed me too much.

Just a short one this week, but our prayers are with those looking forward to the Easter break and preparing for exams, may God bless them in their studies and in their rest.

The Bible verse designated for today is a lovely reminder to love all those around us:
Love does no harm to a neighbor. 
Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Romans 13:10

with God's blessings from my family to yours

Jo x