Sunday, 17 June 2012

Football crazy!

Well another sporting event of 2012 is under way and as the Vizor household adjusts to football every evening, we are already at the stage where two games are played at the same time.  What to do, which one to watch, can't decide...

...I know why not watch both of them and just move the TV from the bedroom down to the lounge.  The aerial is all set up as we have done this before watching the world cup!  It did mean that we had a good spring clean behind the lounge television as the cables were all sorted out.

The boys also had new mattresses delivered this weekend and so while we waited in for them to arrive we had a spring clean of the bedrooms as well.  Jacob was away on camp, so that made tidying his bedroom much easier!!  I hadn't realised he had so much floor space!!!

Last weekend we bought some new pots for the garden, but we weren't too sure about the terracotta colour matching the new patio.. This week Andy has bought some paint and taken some time out from slab laying to transform the pots.  Here's a before and after demo..

Before          and           after

With the rain taking a slight break this weekend (to be replaced by high winds) Andy has been able to get on with getting the patio, he had compacted it down, levelled off the sand and laid a layer of cement, topping most of it off with the new slabs.  I would have added a picture, but he covered it all up for the night while we were at church as it started to rain (again!!).

Can you tell what it is yet?
While Andy was out laying paving slabs, I spent time with Josh multi tasking.  I was cooking and he has putting together movie shows for holiday club.  I bought some new cookware this week so wanted to try some of it out.  I made the lemonade cupcakes again but doubled the mixture and made a loaf version as well with my new loaf tin and liners.  Just need to make the frosting for the tops now.

Cakes on new cooling rack!
So as it is Father's day today, we have an evening of football and Jacob must have been tired from camp as he fell asleep on the sofa and hasn't stirred once, with all the shouting at the tele!!!

With cooking, gardening and school Governor meetings, I haven't had time for any craft this week, but I have several birthdays in the family coming up this week so I must get on with making some cards to show you all next week.

This week's Bible verse comes from John's Gospel and is a wonderful though for Father's day:

Yet some people accepted him
    and put their faith in him.
So he gave them the right
    to be the children of God.

John 1 verse 12

Our prayer as a family this week is for those who are bringing up children without a father, that they may come to know their Father in heaven, who will also support them through the good and the bad.  We also pray for all fathers who are bringing up their children in difficult circumstances,.  We particularly think of the two children we sponsor and their families, Woldhino in Haiti and Neomi in Bolvia.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x

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