Sunday, 9 September 2012

Amazing Paralympics

Over the summer we have also enjoyed the Paralympic Games.  Having attend the Summer Games at the Olympic Park, we knew our way around and couldn't wait to get back up to London to experience the Paralympics.

Andy and Josh had tickets for the Excel Centre, which enabled them to see whichever event they chose, provided there was space.  Jacob and I stayed at home as Jacob had a tennis tournament.  Andy & Josh saw table tennis, Judo and sitting volleyball.

On the Friday, Jacob and I joined them for an evening of paralympic athletics.  The atmosphere in the stadium was electric and we saw so much action, including heats, finals and medal ceremonies.  There was so much going on, we were glad of the in stadium commentary drawing our attention to events as they took place.

We had wheelchair basketball tickets for Saturday morning and afternoon and we were glad we had a more lesiurely start than when we had basketball ticket at the Olympics.  We saw four games  at the O2 before we headed over to the stadium again for a trip up the Orbit to its viewing platform, before watching more athletics.

The one thing that struck me as we watched the athletes, was not that we were watching athletes with a disability but that we were watching the ability of these athletes in extraordinary circumstances.  I was in awe of their achievements.

This week's Bible verse comes from Titus, a small book in the new Testament:
Teach the older men to be temperate,
worthy of respect, self-controlled,
and sound in faith, in love
and in endurance
Titus 2:2
Which is interesting timing as we have been discussing setting up some men's group work at church, meaning that the older men will learn from the younger ones, while the younger ones learn from the experiences of their elders.
Our prayer this week as a family is that life gets back to normal, with the ending of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and returning to school and work, that we will not forget that we are each called by God to use the gifts and abilities we have to the best we can and not to try and be other people.
With God's blessings from my family to yours,
Jo x

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