Sunday, 20 October 2013

It's never to early to start preparing for Christmas

One of the things I wanted to share when I started this blog was how I manage to fit everything in.  As a busy family we don't have much spare time, between tennis training, Explorer Scouts, church and family activities, keeping the house clean and tidy and prepared for celebrations just gets squeezed in somehow.

Word of the month - Autumn
However this year I am trying something new.  I've never really enjoyed that whole "Spring Clean" approach to cleaning especially as you have to do it more than just once at Spring.

I was therefore very grateful when I came across some other wonderful ladies who are sharing how they organise their homes.  In my last blog I talked about Fabulously Organized Home, this time I want to share preparations for Christmas, which have been inspired by Organized Christmas.

I am following the House and Holiday plan, which started in September (there's a plan for how ever much time you leave to plan for Christmas!).  The early tasks are all about getting ready to get organized, and those who know me well will know that I have a Christmas planner where I keep all my lists and to do activities.  Organized Christmas has a set of printable checklists and to-do lists, which I have adapted for a British Christmas and past experience.

Christmas planner and checklists
As I try to make all my own Christmas cards (with help from the family) I have also tried to make a few each month, which means that I have been able to write nearly half of my Christmas cards already.  We will plan to make the remainder during half term (which starts next week!!).

This week we are working on The Family Room, which we have designated as the conservatory.  The timing was brilliant as we had friends over for dinner last night and so we were able to send the boys out to tidy so they could to play on the play-station.

Josh is continuing to extend his bread repertoire and this week made baguettes.

Our prayer this week as a family is for all involved in education, that they may make the right decisions and teach our children well, preparing them for the world that waits them outside the school and college walls.

This week's Bible verse is a reminder that we need to take time out from our busy lives to reconnect with God:
Restore to me the joy of your salvation
 and grant me a willing spirit,
to sustain me.
Psalm 51:12 
With God's blessing from my family to yours,

Jo x

Back to school

It's a bit late, but here is our back to school preparation blog.

The boys and I had a great day out to LEGOLAND, Windsor, on Monday, before Josh had his induction day at college.

Jacob and I spent a day together getting ready for school and work.  We have set up a homework box so that all the useful bits and pieces for homework can be found in one place and not "borrowed" from or for other tasks.  The idea came from a wonderful website/blog fabulously organized home, it is full of aspirational ideas for an organised home, if only I had the time and space to recreate them.  I am however adapting some of the ideas to fit my modest UK home and I'll share some more in later posts.

Homework box - useful equipment!

Our prayer as a family is for all those starting out on a new part of their life (school/college/work).  We pray that they will feel settled in their new surroundings and make new friends.  We pray that they will work hard and achieve all that they have set their minds upon.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x