Sunday, 28 September 2014

Child Free Holiday

After spending time as a family at the Commonwealth Games, we then spent time on holiday without the boys.  They returned home on their own to go on Explorer Scout Camp at the international camp WINGS2014 in Windsor.  We packed them off on a plane at Glasgow to be met at Heathrow by  their Explorer leaders to join the rest of the unit and friends from Norway for a week's camp.

Boys setting off for Wings2014
We drove from Glasgow to Edinburgh for a weekend break.  We had no particular plans for the weekend but when we arrived in Edinburgh we discovered it was Fringe and Tattoo season, so the city was packed and vibrant.
Edinburgh (castle just in the background)
We wandered through the acts advertising their Fringe events and dodged collecting a mountain of flyers.  We listened to a jazz band play in the cathedral and caught the sightseeing bus around the city.

We had a table booked at The Tower restaurant, which located at the top of the Edinburgh museum.  Had the weather been better we could have eaten outside but as it was we had a great view of the tattoo viewing area filling up.

Dinner at the Tower Edinburgh
We then left Scotland and had a short break in Yorkshire.  It was very strange wandering along the coast line without having to go on the beach and play football, or build sandcastles, or body board.
The Holderness Coastline
We loved our little lake side cottage with its own hot tub and lake view.
And then it was time to come home and meet the boys after their week away.  It was lovely to all be back together and have lots tom talk about and different experiences to share.  I guess this is just preparation for the future as they grow and start to live their own lives, but maybe not too soon.
With God's blessings from my family to yours,
Jo x

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