Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Getting organised for 2016

The first week back at work has finished and so our normal routines are beginning to kick back in, although to be honest it has been hard getting up each morning still this week.

January Word of the month
The UK is seeing a very mild winter at the moment and we have only had to wear winter gloves once this week on the cycle to work. However, my word for January in my display is snow! I live in hope 1) that we will see snow - I love how the garden looks under a blanket of snow and 2) that if it does it doesn't last long as I don't like cycling in the frozen snow!

This week's craft has revolved around getting my weekly planner ready for the new year.  I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again, I'm a list girl.  If it's not on a list it's unlikely to get done.

Home planner cover page
I have updated the weekly planner we use at our family diary meeting to reflect what we learned last year.  I have pre-filled in the boys' college times until Summer Half Term - when exams will start and schedules will change.  I have created one to-do list rather than a daily one as some days we have more to do than others!

Weekly planner - diary and to do
I am also taking part in the 2016 home organisation challenge which I did last year.  It's a great way to reset the house after Christmas, without trying to do everything at once.  I have previously followed organized home new year challenge so have I been working through the lists I made and making sure I have everything noted. I find it easier to follow if I have each item that needs cleaning and decluttering written down, or I may miss it if I just have "Clean the kitchen" as my goal for the week.

The Bible verse for this week picks up from the sermon we heard this morning that as we are called to be part of God's family at our baptism, we are called to take His light out with us in all we do:

But just as he who called you is holy, 
so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 
“Be holy, because I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:15-16 NIV

Our prayer as a family this week is for those who find returning to a normal routine after Christmas difficult having been reminded of those they have lost.  May they know God's presence in their dark times and find solace in his Word.  We also pray for those affected by the floods in the North of England and Scotland. May we, God's family, reach out to those around us in his love and bring his light.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x

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