Sunday, 4 June 2017

Bullet Journalling - Organising my lists

We are welcoming in June and the arrival of summer in our house, with revision!

Jacob's exams really start in a week's time and so any spare time is built around giving him room to revise in peace and quiet.  Sometimes that means we are sitting in the conservatory enjoying the sunshine and at others he takes over the conservatory and we are forced to get on with chores elsewhere in the house.

We are really pleased that Josh has passed his first year studies at university but can't believe how quickly that year has passed.  We are looking forward to helping him settle into his house share ready for year two later this year.

This year I have embraced the trend of bullet journaling.  It has enabled me to collect all my lists from their different note pads into one place and keep life in order.

My Bullet Journal

I can pull together all our diaries in a weekly log and list all the "to do" items into one list ready for checking off.

I have the freezer contents listed which makes menu planning easier each week or month depending on how I am planning.

Freezer contents - bullet journal

This month I have also moved my chore checklist from my chore box into a collection in the journal enabling me to have daily, weekly and monthly checklists from one master list.

My next challenge will be to take my Christmas Planner, which I have realised has been an introduction to bullet journaling, and incorporating it into my bullet journal for the second half of the year.

Bullet journaling is a great pass time as you develop your skills and use of the journal as you go and I have already learnt lots that I will be incorporating into my next journal.

Our prayer as a family is with those who have been affected by the tragedies to hit Britain in the last few weeks.  We also give thanks for the hard work of our emergency services and armed forces who have worked to help those caught up in the events and for keeping us safe.

The Bible verse chosen for today speak to the very heart of my belief as a Christian.  That even in the midst of man made tragedy, God's love is seen through the actions of those who put themselves out to help strangers.

Your power is great, 
and your glory is seen everywhere
in heaven and on earth. 
You are king of the entire world,

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x

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