Sunday, 15 April 2012

Easter Holidays

We went away over Easter to Spring Harvest at Butlins in Minehead.  We had a great time refreshing our faith and spending time with God and good friends.  The bible application sessions are split into zones and while Andy attended the watch zone (it involved film and TV clips!) I went to the create zone.  We were able to respond to what we had heard that morning through craft (so me!!) and I took the time to complete a craft from the blog a few weeks ago.  Isaiah 53:5, which I said at the time lent itself to Easter.

We also spent some time by the beach with our friends, before returning home via some shopping at Bristol.  We have treated ourselves to a new coffee maker, so rather than my normal plain coffee tonight, I am sat with a frothy coffee, very nice.

We have had a delivery of organic seedings to start the veggie patch off from our veg box farm.  We have managed to plant them up and put over the fleece tunnel to keep off the frost, but we have still lost the courgettes and tomatoes.  Never mind, we can still plant a few more of these.

Andy and the boys have been very busy in the garden, laying down the foundations for our patio and starting to replace the fence down the side of the garden.  All this as well as helping me to plant vegetables and bulbs.  We have definately been making the most of the fairly good weather and the time off work and school.  A few more items have been ticked off on the spreadsheet.

Moving the foundations

The first panel completed!
 So refreshed for another year of service for the Lord, we return to work and school tomorrow.  I have a craft in mind for last week's bible verse linked to keeping a prayer journal, hopefully I will be able to show that next week.  This week's verse is from 1 John 2 verse 15:

Don’t love the world
or anything that belongs to the world.
If you love the world,
you cannot love the Father.

We have spent the week at Spring Harvest looking at John's gospel, so it was good that this week's verse should also come from the writings of John.  We have been thinking about the Church - actually! and what it means to be the church of God.

Our prayer as a family this week reflects on our time at Spring Harvest and attending a baptism today; In our journey of faith there are many points that are new beginnings and so we pray for all who have found God or found refreshment in God, that they may grow stronger in their faith and share it with those around them.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x


Nashes of Chennai said...

As always, lovely to read your latest family news - which continue to sound so well-balanced. If you have any time to give a little round-up of the underlying message of Spring Harvest this year, I'd be interested to hear it.
Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Kate, I will try to make some time to give you an overview. Actually that will be a good way to reflect on what I heard and give a reason for having taken soooo many notes x