Sunday, 29 April 2012

Wet and windy

If it can be possible, I think that this week we have had more rain than last week!  It has also been extremely windy but at least the new fence panel has stood up to it - even it has meant we haven't been able to add to it!

The weather doesn't stop us being busy and we have started on some of the kitchen jobs on the to do list.  Also the local DIY store had a special offer on doors, so we have stocked up ready for changing the doors as part of each room's makeover.

With all the rain, the word of the month for crafting and display just had to be splash!  I decided that the theme needed to be blue and I amazed myself at the number of blue papers I already had in my craft stash.

The rain did hold off long enough for the football though.  It was the last home game of the season for Swindon and we needed a win to become champions of league two and be presented with the trophy at home.  The town won 5-0 and a party atmosphere erupted in the stadium.  Josh commented it was the longest he had every been at a football game, as we stayed to congratulate the team, sing "we are the champions" and watch the players revel in the win.  Andy and the boys have taken up season tickets again for next season, so I get my Saturday afternoons back come August.

The excitement never ends in our house this week as we also had the draw for tickets at tennis for this year's Wimbledon.  It's the first year we have been able to go to the draw so we were very excited when Josh's name was drawn and then ecstatic when we were drawn for centre court on men's final day.

Not much time for crafting this week, but we did receive some bible study notes from a stand at Spring Harvest to help us spend more time with God's word.  We also attended a great service today which took the theme of being living stones that form God's church.  As it was the fifth Sunday all the four services came together and there were elements from each tradition, which meant we used a confession from the 1662 prayer book, something I now have to find to show the boys.

This week's bible verse is from Job:

I know that my redeemer lives, 
and that in the end 
he will stand on the earth
Job 19:25

Our prayer as a family is that as we contemplate as a church what it means to be living stones, we will reflect God's wishes for those around us and not our own thoughts and wishes.

with God's blessings from my family to yours,

Jo x

1 comment:

Nashes of Chennai said...

Very exciting with Wimbledon to look forward to!
Sorry to hear about all the rain (maybe it's good for your little seedlings?) Hope you start to dry out soon.
Lots of love to you all