Sunday, 8 January 2012

Back to it!

So the first week of the year has finished and we are settling back into normal family life.  Tennis coaching has restarted for Jacob (our youngest) and Josh (our eldest) is deep into revision for his first GCSE at the end of the month - Chemistry!

The veggie patch required some fine tuning this week and Andy has been sifting through the soil to remove the stones (or should that be small rocks), the problem of having located the patch over an old path.

Sifting in progress

The stones that need removing
With the boys not going back to school until Wednesday, I found time for crafting this week before I too returned to work. Using inspiration from last week's bible verse that "In the beginning was the word" I made some notecards.  Also the boys designed their letter paper to send their thank you notes, using their favourite picture of themselves from last year at the bottom of each letter.

I am thinking of developing the notecards so I can sell them to friends in small packs and thought it would be good to add some post it notes to the back so that after they have been used to send a message they can continue to be used as a note block.

Notecards ready to be sent.
Onto this week.  We are helping a friend with a pantomime production at the end of the week, we are the back stage team, so we are busy with rehersals which we need to fit round a series of dentist appointments for everyone except me (I had enough appointments at the end of last year to last me a least one year if not two!).

Our bible verse for this week is Isaiah 11 verse 2
"The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
   the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
   the Spirit of counsel and of might,
   the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD
which seems quite apt for us in a busy week. 

Our prayer is that everything that needs to be done, will be done to the Glory of God and that the pantomime will go off smoothly.

With God's blessings from my family to yours,


1 comment:

Nashes of Chennai said...

All the best to Josh for his exams.
If Andy works really hard, will he earn himself a little potting shed with tea and coffee making facilities?!
The post-it notes are a good idea - I always love to keep the cards I get sent and you can only use so many bookmarks at a time!
Lots of love from Chennai xxx