Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year

Well as this is the start of a new year, I thought I would take on a new challenge - a blog.

I can hear my friends already saying where will I find the time, but as this is about something I enjoy doing, I know that I will make the time to keep it up to date.

I wanted a way to record the crafts I make (and a prompt to make sure I get round to doing some), changes in our family home and the influence of God working through our lives.

So the first thing I wanted to share was the new vegetable patch my husband, Andy, has built me for Christmas.  It doesn't look much yet but once the winter has done its work we hope we will have some homegrown vegetables to feed ourselves with.  Having tried an allotment a couple of years ago we are hoping that having the patch at the bottom of the garden we will be able to get out there more often and tend the area.

 The vegetable patch

The bottom of the garden

What you can't see is the great big pile of rocks he dug out, just off camera, but that's for another day and another project, I'll tell you more later.

So now we wait and make plans and preparations for the vegetables and while we wait there is time for craft and cooking.  The first "craft" of the year has to be thank you letters and so the boys and I will sit down tomorrow and make cards and write notes.

As we reflect on John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." so shall we use our words to thank those who blessed us this year with gifts.

My challenge to myself this year is to use a bible verse to influence my craft for the week (well nearly every week) and to share it with those who choose to follow my blog.  I will share my crafts based on this bible passage next week.

Our prayer as a family this week is that God will show us the new beginnings he has for our lives and that we will follow where he leads.

with God's blessings from my family to yours


1 comment:

Nashes of Chennai said...

What a lovely start to a new year, Jo! I'm looking forward to keeping up with your news and ideas....and hoping perhaps to sneak a peak at some fairies amongst the veggies at the bottom of your garden! x