Sunday, 22 January 2012

Blessed not lucky!

This week we have been getting ready for a town wide children's church event that takes place every other month: X:Site!  Working with a team Josh and I deliver the craft and teaching session to small group leaders.  As we were looking at Noah, we prepared rainbow coloured bookmarks for 50 children for the prayer time and, thanks to our good friend Amanda (Every church needs an Amanda!) we also had Jesus plaques for each child to take home.
This book mark has a blank back to write a prayer on
and remember God's promise to us, shown by the rainbow

Josh's first GCSE went well and now he knows what to expect, a scary exam hall where an eery silence falls over everyone and one small sneeze can echo round the room with surprising speed!

To show we were thinking of him I made him a card as any shop bought card always says "Good luck in your exams".  We don't believe in luck, we talked about that Josh needed to have put in the study, God would be with him and help to recall the answers.  So the card was an exam blessing card, inspired by last week's Bible passage.

Not a clear copy but the verse reads
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will feel no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and staff, they comfort me.

I mention in the purpose for starting this blog that we are planning major improvements to the house this year and last week I told you about being a list girl.  Well a major house project requires a major list and to that end we have a spreadsheet of lists!!!  Having ticked a few jobs off the spreadsheet, this week Andy added another job to the list, insulating the loft, so we are surrounded by rolls of insultation, loft floor boards and polysterene sheets, ready to keep us warm.  I'll show you the results next week.

As well as planning that through we have a very poorly apple tree in the garden, which has been shedding its bark for some time.  Andy treated himself to a new bowsaw (Boys and theirs toys!) and set about cutting back the tree to see if this breathes new life into the tree or whether we will just have to incorporate it into the furniture of the garden as a possible table!

Before work started

Starting to feel better
Apparently, its very tiring cutting down a tree by hand so the remaining branch will be tackled at a later date.

So this week brings another exam, a trip to the dentist (I think I should have my own parking space there by now!) governor meeting at school and time with friends.

The Bible verse for this week is from Romans 10:9 -
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.

which interestingly was part of the passage we looked at in church last week.

Our prayer this week fits with the story of Noah that we looked at with the children yesterday and the mess that people had got the world into.  We pray for all those who find themselves in a mess with seemingly nowhere to turn to, that they will find their way home and that God will protect them on their journey back.

With God's blessings from my family to yours

Jo x

1 comment:

Nashes of Chennai said...

I look forward to the progress of the apple tree - magical things happen in nature! But a natural table would be a lovely addition to your garden (and might encourage the faeries out to tea too!)