Monday, 30 January 2012

Taking the sea air

A day later than I normally write but with good reason.  We have been away for the weekend.  I know in the middle of term and with exams going on!!....but it was good to get away.

We went with friends and it was a bit of a house party with ten of us sharing the house, the cooking and the child care.  We relaxed, we drank wine, we talked, we walked on the beach and we even tried to fly a kite (not enought wind - in January!!!).  Saturday was the best day at the beach we have had for a long time, clear blue skies, warm sun on our backs (even if there was a chillness to our fronts but that's what coats, hats and scarves are for).  We even managed to get Josh to squeeze in some revision (and line up a revision retreat for next year when the exams get serious!).

On the beach in January
 The loft insulation is now complete round the edges so once all the stuff is relocated  we can fill in the middle area and have a warm and snuggly house.  We also found it why the hall is always so cold.  The very small window under the stairs was letting in cold air, so we have blocked that up and now you can feel that the radiator is working!!!

I even managed to find time this week to make some invitations to celebrate my birthday and while the papercraft was out I made a quick birthday card to stash away for a later birthday.

So my bible inspired craft for this week was based on Romans 10:9 and it is a work in progress at the moment but I thought I would share the mock up using clip art of it as it may have to wait until the half term holiday for completion by my own fair hand.  I thought I might frame it and display it on the sideboard.

Romans 10:9

The bible verse we have as a family this week is from Psalms 37:1 and is:

Do not fret because of those who are evil
   or be envious of those who do wrong.

So another week has began and Josh has his final exam of this set, Jacob is off to represent his scout troop at a cooking competition, Andy is celebrating an 80th birthday (a friend's mum, not his!!) and will just be ensuring they all get to the appropriate place at the right time on the right day (oh and a girly night out for a candle party).

Our prayer this week is one of thanks for those who were lost returning and for God's faithful promise to hear and answer prayer.

With God's blessings from my famil to yours,

Jo x

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